I’m Cindy and  BEYOND excited for you to start this journey with me. I created this blog to be a place for women to be inspired and get motivated to be the happiest and best versions of themselves.  I want to help you design the life you dreaming of.

“View my blog as your online mentor and coach.”

This blog is a reflection of my belief that you can build a life of your dreams if you really want to.   But you have to love and invest in your personal development.

I share tips and inspiration for living the life you desire, to build the business or career you always wanted and to be the happiest that you have ever been.

I am a qualified mentor and coach.  The certifications I hold:

  • Certified Integral Coach – UCT Graduate School of Business (SA)
  • Coaching for Development – New Ventures West (US)
  • Confidence Coach – Style Coaching Institute (UK)
  • Life Coach – Beautiful You Coaching Academy (Australia)


  • I love traveling and experiencing different cultures.
  • I love reading Biographies.  My favourite is Jane Fonda and Lady Gagga.
  • I am a vegetarian and a bubbly lover.
  • I have more than 20 years of experience in growing companies.
  • Currently I am a GrilBoss at a marketing consultancy.
  • I am obsessed with personal development, with the idea of designing a life you love and chasing your dreams!
  • I am married and the mom of a few furies.

  “At the end of the day I want this to be a place where women can get inspiration from and vice versa.”

I want to get inspired from you too so don’t hesitate to comment your thoughts on my posts, they will be greatly appreciated!

Find your lemons and thank you for reading my blog!

Cindy Whitmill