

How to Heal a Broken Heart and Rediscover Yourself



As little girls, many of us grow up with dreams of our perfect wedding day, imagining Prince Charming sweeping us off our feet, just like in the movies. We hope for a happily ever after, but sometimes life takes unexpected turns. Relationships can crumble, love can fade, and hearts can break. Healing a broken heart can feel as painful as physical injury, but it’s a journey we must embark on to find ourselves again.

Recognize That Heartbreak Is Real: Heartbreak isn’t just an emotional struggle; it’s a physiological response. Studies have shown that the same area of the brain responsible for physical pain lights up when we experience social rejection. So, when someone says their heart hurts from a breakup, they mean it.

Avoid the Comparison Trap: One of the pitfalls of heartbreak is comparing ourselves to an idealized version of who we think we should be. We may believe that changing ourselves will make someone love us, but this is a dangerous mindset. Comparison can lead to unhealthy behaviors like disordered eating, substance abuse, or obsession.

Focus on Self-Healing: Obsession narrows our focus to one thing: the person who hurt us. During this time, life passes us by, and we forget to enjoy it. It’s crucial to redirect our attention to self-healing. Concentrate on volunteer work, your future goals, and most importantly, yourself.

Seek Professional Help: While friends can provide invaluable support, a professional psychologist can guide you through the healing process. They offer expert advice and strategies to help you cope with the emotional turmoil of a breakup.

Practice Self-Love: Remember, the actions of others are a result of their own past and experiences. You cannot change them; they must decide to heal themselves. Focus on self-love and respect. You don’t need to change your appearance or treat someone differently to earn their love.

Understand Your Past: Our adult behaviors, reactions, and values often stem from our childhood experiences. Take time to reflect on your past and address any unresolved issues. Healing involves understanding and working through these past traumas.

Accept That Bad Things Happen: People hurt others due to their issues, not because of you. You were an unwitting part of their journey. We all unintentionally hurt people in our lives; it’s a part of growing and evolving. Recognize what you don’t want in your life and focus on healing.

Choose Yourself: Prioritise self-love and respect. Walk away from anything that doesn’t bring you happiness. Only when you love and respect yourself can you attract someone who loves you unconditionally.

Healing a broken heart is a challenging journey, but it’s essential to rediscover yourself and move forward. Remember that heartbreak is real, but it doesn’t define you. Avoid the comparison trap, focus on self-healing, and seek professional help if needed. Understand your past, accept that bad things happen, and, most importantly, choose yourself. Happiness is waiting for you on the other side of healing, and you deserve every bit of it.

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