

How To Get a Good Night’s Sleep



“Always remember to fall asleep with a dream and wake up with a purpose.”

There’s nothing quite like the feeling of waking up after a good night’s sleep. You’re refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to tackle the day with enthusiasm and purpose.

I’ve personally struggled with sleep due to a busy mind filled with ideas and tasks that need completion. However, I’ve come to realize that exhausting myself isn’t worth it. A good night’s sleep makes me more productive and creative the next day.

It’s crucial to listen to our bodies and heed their call for rest and sleep. I believe in natural sleep solutions. While it may take some time to reset your sleep patterns, the natural approach is the healthiest.


Sleep plays a vital role in your physical health. It contributes to the healing and repair of your heart and blood vessels. Continuous sleep deficiency is linked to increased risks such as heart disease, kidney disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and stroke.

If you struggle with falling asleep, waking up frequently, or feeling tired upon waking, consider these tips. Remember, it takes time to restore your body and mind, so stay consistent and maintain a positive mindset.


After a busy day when you’ve been at your best, it’s essential to slow down and unwind, much like athletes engage in a cooldown period after a race. Here’s what helps me wind down:

  1. Cooking: Preparing a beautiful meal shifts your focus from the day’s busyness to the creativity of cooking. Opt for an early dinner before 6 pm, keeping it small, light, and healthy to reduce cooking time and cleanup.
  2. Relaxation in Nature: Enjoy a glass of wine or herbal tea outdoors in nature. Spend time with your dogs or engage in positive conversations with friends or your partner.
  3. Yoga: Incorporate yoga stretches designed to promote better sleep.


To prepare for restful sleep, steer clear of the following:

  1. Electronic Devices: Avoid television, computers, and social media, especially the news, within four hours of bedtime to minimize exposure to blue light.
  2. Negative Conversations: Refrain from discussing the day’s negatives with your partner or replaying them in your mind. Shift to positive thoughts.
  3. Heavy Meals and Excessive Drinks: Avoid heavy meals and excessive alcohol or fluids close to bedtime.
  4. Phones by the Bed: Don’t sleep with your phone next to your bed.


Here’s what you can do to prepare for a peaceful night’s sleep:

  1. Self-Care: Indulge in a shower or bath with soothing lavender scents and candles. Take time for yourself.
  2. Skincare Routine: Follow a good skincare regimen to nourish your body.
  3. Meditation: Practice mindfulness and meditation for relaxation.
  4. Gratitude Journal: Write down three to five things you’re grateful for in a beautiful gratitude journal.
  5. Reading: Reading a book for an hour before bedtime can help you relax.
  6. Lavender: Utilize lavender through candles, incense, or a diffuser. Practice inhaling its calming aroma.
  7. Herbal Tea: Enjoy a cup of chamomile tea after your shower while reading.


Consider these additional tips for improved sleep:

  1. Air Purifier: Try an air purifier for enhanced sleep quality.
  2. Well-Ventilated Dark Room: Ensure your bedroom is well-ventilated and dark.
  3. Hydration: Stay hydrated during the day, but limit water intake close to bedtime.
  4. Bathroom Visit: Before bed, make a final visit to the bathroom to promote uninterrupted sleep.
  5. Quality Pillow: Invest in a high-quality pillow that supports your neck and promotes sleep. A silk pillowcase can enhance your skincare routine.
  6. Magnesium: Consider magnesium supplements to support deep, restorative sleep.

And now, the somewhat controversial tip:

There are differing opinions on whether to sleep with pets, but there’s scientific evidence supporting the benefits of doing so. While pets can be a nighttime distraction, they offer several advantages, including:

  1. Reduced Depression
  2. Enhanced Sense of Security
  3. Improved Sleep Quality
  4. Decreased Stress and Blood Pressure
  5. Strengthened Bond with Your Pet

Considering these benefits, I’ve decided to keep my furry companions with me at night. They may wake me occasionally, but my nighttime routine ensures I still enjoy a good night’s rest, waking up naturally without an alarm at 4 am.

The first thing I do upon waking is to hydrate by drinking plenty of water. It kickstarts my day and ensures I meet my daily water intake goals.

“Night gives you a reason to relax, it gives a reason to stay as you are, apart from all the chaos of the day, surrender to the night this day, wish you a lovely night, Good Night.”

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